hope my bro Louis doesn't think i'm cheating on him. lol!
a month or so ago, my homegirl Liz & i did a freestyle on twitter. she posted it to her blog, and i just read back over it today. i wanna share it with you.
Liz in bold
me in uh..regular..
make sure you check Liz's blog out too: 2much2tell
it's time for rhythm and rhymes
the rivers of lines flowing through this mental of mine
in need of cerebral release to cause the madness to cease
peace is a must let me grab a pen because it's poetry or bust
i fight for the right to write, moving my pen through all hours of the night
what a plight this gift of words turn bringing thoughts to life with the verbs
action words for what i feel, words to action to turn feelings into real
reveal the innermost unspoken thoughts inhibitions ignored pop open faults
just to let go, let words flow, let emotions show, let momentum grow
not to mention that you just might blow adjust the gears just so to get that just right flow
words flow to stanza and stanza to verse, verse leads to the mic unfiltered and unrehearsed
verse after verse gets sprinkled on their minds Ms Who brought the new and put a wrinkle in their time
creased their foreheads with her very essence, gave them sight with her luminesence
insight from her life lessons that stressin was too depressin and just wakin up was a blessin
she was livin in heaven while she walked the earth, blessed and highly favored since birth
but life can hurt..the work can be a bit much can leave the spirit fragile to the touch
a wounded heart is a heavy burden to carry, and the state of merriment tends to vary
and "friends" are scary..family can be worse but we have a Savior who carries cares and wrote His love in a verse
He lived that love and died to redeem, He rose because even over death He offered us victory
He's stricken me with His grace and mercy everlasting I'm forever dwelling in the shadow that the cross is casting
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