

Lord knows i'm as tired as an old boot..

i should really start investing in sleep. it really helps you move about your day without falling flat on your face.

i went to sleep at 4 a.m., woke up at 9:27 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep..ugh. anyway, enough about my deprivation..on with the deets!

unityfest was AMAZING. i was attempting to text Twitter with updates. they never made it to my account. w(h)ack. doesn't take away from the experience though. refreshing kingdom music. HUGE turnout. a sincere sense of community among the artists. (yo..we were going IN in the artists room..the energy was electric!) God moved like crazy. Blessed to do some networking and make some connects..praying that they're fruitful. i'm still floored that i was able to talk to/experience Kirk Whalum in all his awesomeness. this man is THE coolest dude in life. super chill & down to earth. Leon Timbo...smh..he's my bro anyway..but the guy never ceases to amaze me. Phil Hughley..supercool & down-to-earth..funny as jaxx. yo his group Hughley has a next level sound you gotta check out. i'm posting links for all these folks. man..Adajyo..sweethearts who will sing you smooth into the rapture. X-Min..one of the baddest bands in the land! there were so many more that performed, but i honestly wasn't able to catch everyone. pics coming soon on my FB and maybe myspace. lmbo. funny how myspace is a maybe these days, but FB & twitter are definites.

yo..can i just say? i did NOT know this was an outdoor event. it was at least 6,472 degrees in memphis today. i was struggling man.

*update: pics are posted on my FB*



alright ya'll..i'm struggling to keep the lids functional..
be blessed

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